Sunday, December 11, 2011

Weekly Recap in Photos

What an exciting, fun-filled week!  YAY!  For those who don't know...  I passed my RN state boards on Monday!  Coolest thing ever!!  We pretty much spent the week celebrating in little ways here and there. 

1. Sunday, December 4 - I did my nails on Sunday.  That's when I usually do my nails.  They may not always look the best by the time Saturday rolls around, but I have found Sally Henson's Double Duty bottom/top coat does a great job.  I realized that my nail color choice this week is very similar to the color on my bathroom wall!  OPI Wyatt Earple Purple // 2. Monday, December 5 - Monday was the big day: The day I took the state board exam for my RN license!  This is a picture I took of myself right before I entered the facility and had to turn my phone off.  I had studied long and hard for this moment, so I was feeling pretty confident.  //  3. Tuesday, December 6 - St. Nick doesn't come to our house.  He stops at Matt's parents house to drop off our stuff!  This year we got an ornament each (mine was a Irish Santa with a beer...  haha - nice) and lots of candy!  Everything was chocolate including chocolate mints, chocolate covered cherries, chocolate coins, dark chocolate kisses, caramel covered chocolate, and Dove snowflakes!  Yum!  Just when the Halloween candy was gone...  We get a refill!  //  4. Wednesday, December 7 - Matt picked up dinner from one of our favorite local sandwich shops - Melt.  I almost always order their seitan cheesesteak sandwich.  It's an awesome vegetarian version of a meaty sandwich.  They also have a great selection of soups!  On this day I had the vegetarian chili. 

1. Friday, December 9 - I attended a bachelorette party on Saturday, but this picture is me remembering to grab the flasks we wanted to take along for the evening...  Wanted to try and save a few bucks during the evening entertainment.  Funny thing - we brought them, but I totally didn't even break mine out!!  Fail.  //  2.  Friday, December 9 - My parents took us out to dinner Friday night to celebrate me passing my test.  We met them there and my mom had this balloon for me.  Pretty cool huh!?  My parents also gave me a really neat necklace with my initials and the nursing symbol.  That will be on an OOTD post soon for sure!  //  3. Saturday, December 10 - Who has colored tights now????  ME!  I'm so stoked!  Matt and I did some Christmas shopping on Saturday and I picked these up for myself!  I wore the blue pair Saturday night at the bachelorette party and received a ton of compliments!    


  1. Love your colored tights! We do the flask thing too when we go out ha ha!

  2. @Style Journey

    If only I would have remembered it! Darn it!

  3. Awesome recap, I love the nails and those colored tights!

    Back from my hibernation and I have a giveaway, hope you will come check it out ;)

  4. congratulations on passing! that's a great achievement and celebration(s) are and were definitely in order!

    That soup/chili looks oh so great.
    ♥ laura
    the blog of worldly delights

  5. Oh, congratulations on passing your RN boards. That's fabulous!

    And thank you so much for stopping by my blog; your kind comments meant a lot to me.

  6. @just tututiny

    Unfortunately.... I didn't mention that when I wore my blue tights on Saturday I totally tripped over my own two feet and fell... Scraping my knee and ripping a whole in my new blue tights! :(

    Thanks for stopping by!


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